The art of the Christmas thank you. . .

Christmas Eve and I’m all packed, ready to fly to Ireland this evening – a miracle of sorts after frantically searching for my passport earlier when I realised it wasn’t in its usual place, eventually discovering it buried deep in what I like to call my-box-full-of-random-things!

In grateful mode after the headache-saving joy of its retrieval, I wanted to take a moment to now say a huge thanks to all of you who have taken the time to read my blog this year. I am honoured that you have an interest in The Art of Travelling Solo and I hope you’ve found travel memories and stories that resonated with you or which sparked an interest for your future plans.

Two highlights for me from my travels in 2017 were definitely Lisbon and Gothenburg, both charming and laid-back cities, with wonderfully friendly locals and an abundance of things to do and see.

But the travel memories which I hold most fondly in my heart from the year gone by couldn’t come from more contrasting parts of the world. The first was my week in Donegal at the tail end of the summer, catching up with family and friends while stocking up on that incredible Irish countryside air. The second was my two-week trip to Rajasthan in northern India, a place that instantly plucked me from my comfort zone but completely won me over.

I have plenty to share with you about that trip so stay tuned for some new posts next year! In the meantime, I wish you all a very happy Christmas wherever you are in the world. Here’s to the art of travelling solo in 2018!

Until next year. . .


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